
• As Flokser, we exist to benefit all humanity.
• We work with a sense of responsibility towards the world, our country, our company, our employees, our customers, our suppliers and with a permanent, sustainable and transparent operation for the benefit of society.
• We invest in knowledge, technology and people for our journey to the future.
• We continuously work and develop new ways of using materials and products that add real value to people’s lives.
• We act with the awareness of “responsible producer” for nature, for the world, for climates and for new generations.
• In addition to being responsible producers, we are also conscious consumers.
• With the principle of “Goodness is the art of humanity”, we support our employees to volunteer for appropriate social and community activities.
• We support the issues that need to be organized in society and aim to draw attention to these issues by continuing our work in the fields of education and the environment, which need the most support in Turkey.
• We contribute to the development of individuals and play a role in the development and sustainability of local economies through the social responsibility projects we carry out as an organization.
– As Flokser, we improve lives and make the lives of our consumers easier with the solutions we offer to different sectors in order to contribute to social progress.